PatriceJohnson: Queen of Black Celebrity Gossip

Queen of Black Celebrity Gossip

IndepenentWomenNews: Beyoncé Talks About Her Insecurities… July 19, 2011

Beyonce ears

by: PatriceJohnson, Your Black World


People may not believe it but Beyoncé does have insecurities! After giving a performance in London this past week and having to end the show early because she lost her voice, fans were not angry as they helped her sing the chorus to her song  ‘Countdown’.

On the TV special she talked about the things that make her who she is and the insecurities that she has.

There were some excerpt of her interview from the show that were released:

On gross things you may see while she’s on stage
“My nose runs a lot and when I’m singing I can’t blow it, so there have been occasions when I’ve ended up with a ‘bubble’ coming out my nose”

On sweating while on stage
Everyone thinks I have the fans (wind machines) because I’m being fashionable, but I work so hard on stage if I didn’t have them I’d be dripping.”

On parts of her body she would change
If I could change one part it would be my feet. After all the years dancing they’re a little beat up. And I wear big earrings because I don’t like my ears.”

The full TV special, “A Night With Beyoncé” will be airing in December.


3 Responses to “IndepenentWomenNews: Beyoncé Talks About Her Insecurities…”

  1. Ang Says:

    That’s ok we all have them…You are still great!

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