PatriceJohnson: Queen of Black Celebrity Gossip

Queen of Black Celebrity Gossip

SMHNews: Voodoo Mother Facing 17 Years For Setting Her Daughter On Fire… June 7, 2011


by: PatriceJohnson, Your Black World

Marie Lauradin, 31…

On Monday, Marie Lauradin was sentenced to 17 years in prison for setting her six year old daughter, Frantzcia Saintil on fire during a voodoo ritual to cast away demons…

Supreme Court Justice Richard Buchter charged Lauradin after finding out that she lied to police about Saintil’s scars. Lauradin claimed that she accidentally spilled boiling water on the young girl, then claimed that she rubbed Saintil with alcohol because of a fever that she was suffering from. Lauradin finally decided to tell the truth after speaking with her lawyer…

Lauradin admitted to setting her daughter on fire and lacking to get her medical attention for another 24 hours.

Saintil has 25% of her body covered in scars, and the poor girl has scars on her face that she constantly gets teased about by her peers at school. Being teased has caused her to act angrily toward the other children that she comes in contact with.

That poor girl will always suffer from shame because of her crazy a** mother… SMH